Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Asinine Day

Mood: Lousy, thank you very much
Hair: Best left unsaid

Is today a national holiday for the mentally challenged?? If so, I missed it; I wouldn't have come to work today had I known!

No, not just the tax-form-challenged; although they are here too. And they fit right in.

Ref. Desk was nuts this morning! Suffice it to say that I need a shower. Ugh.

So, my desk is next to the fax machine in the workroom. At some time today, between 9 and noon while I was at Ref., someone put paper in the fax, printed off the 30+ pages of accrued faxes (!!!), dumped them on my workspace in a messy heap and left them. All mixed up. In my work area. Which, by the way is about 14 square feet of space. They weren't there when I got here today at 7:30. So I've just spent 30 minutes sorting out the "Vacation in the Bahamas!!" faxes from the articles requested from a couple of libraries which were mixed in with the publicity notices proofs and the requests for renewals from offline libraries. All jumbled together. I am FUMING!

My back hurts, A called in sick for the third day so we're all covering double shifts at Ref., including the director, I have a buttload (thanks for that word, Trud) of books to catalog, and it's crazy-person day at the library (staff included).

Did I mention that the pain in my shoulder, which was killer yesterday, was better this morning, but has now taken over the whole of my upper back?

I have tons of phone calls to make by, oh, YESTERDAY, and I just got an email that the Director from Hell at CV is coming to the next cataloging meeting instead of the cataloger.

Oh, and the hubby went out of town today for 2+ days. Of course.

Tomorrow night we begin Little League practice. What more could be going on this week??

Can someone just shoot me? Or give me vicodin...

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