Tuesday, March 23, 2004

...nuts week...

Just discovered Son Seals; perfect music for work.

Saturday I spent working for RUM [a Urban Renewal org. in the Big City to the East of us] on rehabbing an old Victorian house near Kishw@^kee School. We tore off aluminum siding for 5 hours, yanked nails, swept the inside, boarded up the broken windows, etc. The boy worked like a trouper until the wind brought in the cold. The bones of this house are lovely, but it has been through the wars.

Sunday we crashed.

Monday went on a field trip with Challenge to Oak Park to the Frank Lloyd Wright home and studio, and to Unity Temple. It was fun. The kids were amazingly well-behaved, at least until they got their hands on the Froebel gifts. Still, it could have been much more out of control.

Today through Thursday, clear my desk (I must stop the gales of hysterical laughter whenever I think or say that phrase) so I can leave for vacation with a clear conscience. I'm actually dreading this trip a bit....

But this is too weird to miss. Much mindless fun and giggling.

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